The garden where big ideas flow!

mindful books

read enjoy grow

The garden where big ideas flow!

Mindful Books are offering a new reading experience.

The first platform with children’s e-books on values & mindfulness. Great books with funny micro animations and read along.

Honoring books, reading and children all around the world!

* no account or credit card required

playful blossombooks

A platform full of e-books for children, focused on values & mindfulness. Each book has a playful side! It is enriched with

  • beautiful micro animations
  • engaging music
  • sound effects and
  • wonderful narration which is used for the read along tool.

high quality
screen time

Implementing those tools, reading acquires a whole new dimension and finally becomes fascinating, while at the same time Mindful Books are offering high quality screen time. With great respect to each child, we aim to bring back the passion for reading and cultivate a new, respectful way where kids are learning to engage with technology for their own good.

strong educational imprint

Mindful Books are built upon an in-depth study focused on improving reading. The platform was made by carefully choosing these tools that have a huge impact in the learning process.

Children of all ages -regardless their reading skills- are able to follow the recorded narration where each word is highlighted. They learn new ways of being, they travel though wonderful stories, they enjoy reading, they feel strong emotions empathizing with the heroes and ultimately… they grow!

one account

read everywhere

read, watch, listen, play in all your devices


plant seeds

In this garden we plant values, mindfulness, kind words, philosophy, ethics, new respectful ways of living, hugs and kisses and so much more. 


cherish books

Through great stories we can spread love. With love we can build a new world. 

Books are the perfect way to reach out to every kid, parent, teacher and spread the word. 


new reading experience

Kids appreciate the enriched tools, because they help them strengthen their reading skills, vocabulary and focus. They make it easier to understand the content of a book and take away the fear of reading.



You can read it as an e-book, you can listen its narration as an audiobook, you can watch it as an animation but mostly you will definitely enjoy it!  

parents, teachers, kids, publishers- one platform for all!

Eos audire molestie ex, nam argumentum referrentur an, cuclita offendit voluptatum pri. Assum facilisis definie.

a Sunny's Mom

Cum habeo facilis postulantne. Meliore recteque adpri, mei debet urbanitas. Exchoro complectitur et disputationi ius.

a Jacob's Dad

I have purchached every mindful book, and I will continue to do so. You are great!

a Marilynda
mindful books

read enjoy grow

The garden where big ideas flow!

* no account or credit card required

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